
About Demetri

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness” - Lao Tzu

After 20 years as an entrepreneur, with 14 of those years in the healthy food business, a recent change of direction has led Demetri to start his yoga practice.

Inspired by the science of chakra yoga, Demetri wants to support people in healing and reconnecting to their true self. Helping people slow down and achieve some peace and stillness to balance the hectic and stressful lives we lead, has become Demetris’ new goal with his mantra being one breath at a time’.

With the practice of breathing, movement and relaxation, we are able to::

-reset trauma, belief systems & out-dated conditioning
-master our breath, energy & life
-achieve stillness, peace & happiness

We create the internal and external environments to give ourselves the chance to heal.