Energy: the currency of life

If energy was the currency of life.

How would you choose to allocate yours?

Would you spend it wisely or squander it away?

With austerity or generosity?

Consider deeply, ponder and reflect.


How much would you direct to friends & family? 

To your work. To your passions.

How much is spent on habits? Good and bad.

What would be left for yourself?


Consider deeply, ponder and reflect.


Would the food you eat. The time you eat. How you eat. Have an influence on your decisions?

The information that you consume?

How about your environment? Work, home, social. 


Consider deeply, ponder and reflect.


When our energy is balanced, all is aligned and flowing for us.

We love.

We feel.

We thrive.

 If our perception creates our reality. 

 How vital a role does our energy play!


What are the Chakras?