What are the Chakras?
First thing first, the meaning of the word ‘Chakra’, it comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel. Taken in relation to the yoga system, it’s referred to as a vortex of energy.
Chakras are energy centres withing the body that correspond to various physical, mental and spiritual functions. In traditional Indian and Eastern spiritual practices, it is believed that there are seven main chakras located along the spine, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The chakra system is believed to eb thousands of years old and is essential to many practices such as yoga, meditation and spirituality.
Each of these 7 major chakras has its own unique energy, vibration and frequency, thus creating an individual characteristic for each energy centre.
On the highest level, each chakra is associated with a specific color, sound, and element, and is said to represent a different aspect of human consciousness and experience.
With characteristics relating to the very core of our being, our psychology, emotions, physical body and spiritual connection.
A balanced and open chakra vs a blocked chakra can be the difference between well-being in life vs being-ill in life, with both positive and negative effects on our nervous system, major organs, glands, and mind.
The aim is to have our chakra energy centres open and balanced.
What causes our chakras to block? It can be from a physical accident, to chronic stress, loss or grief and trauma, whether mental or physical. A blocked chakra will mean that the energy (prana) will not be distributed in a balance way through the body, creating imbalances and blockages. Resulting in mental and physical diseases and illnesses.
Practices such as yoga, meditation and energy healing aim to balance and activate the chakras to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Below are the key characteristics and functions for each of the 7 major chakras:
Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)
Muladhara chakra represents our foundation. When outbalanced, an individual feels ungrounded, unstable, insecure, fearful, and frustrated with a lack of ambition & purpose. When the root chakra is balanced, these negative emotions are replaced by positive emotions, making you feel stable, confident, balanced, energetic, independent, and strong.
· Location: Base of spine, in tailbone area (between the anus & the genitals)
· Function: Survival, Financial Independence, Stability, Security, Self-confidence
· Color: Red
· Element: Earth
· Age it develops: 1-7 years
Swadishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)
This Chakra helps us understand the way we relate to our & others’ emotions. The sacral chakra also controls sexual energy and creativity.
An individual with a blocked Sacral chakra feels angry, discontented, and emotionally explosive. There’s a sense of lack of energy and creativity, feels manipulative, or obsessed with sexual thoughts. When this chakra is balanced, it makes you more positive, happy, vibrant, compassionate, intuitive, and satisfied.
· Location: Lower abdomen (2-4 fingers below the navel)
· Function: Desire and procreation, sexuality, emotions, pleasure, creativity
· Color: Orange
· Element: Water
· Age it develops: 8-14 years old
Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra)
This Chakra relates to an individual’s ability to be confident, in control of life, have a sense of belonging, and define self-esteem. Imagine a situation when you had butterflies in the stomach, that was your Manipura Chakra at work. When the Solar Plexus chakra is blocked, one feels extreme self-doubt and shame. By balancing this chakra, we feel free to express our true selves, we are more energetic, confident, productive, and focussed.
· Location: Upper abdomen at the solar plexus, between the bottom of the rib cage and navel
· Function: Self-esteem, self-confidence, life awareness, action, power, strength, will, and pleasure
· Color: Yellow
· Element: Fire
· Age it develops: 15-21 years old
Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)
This chakra is the bridge between the lower chakras (accredited with materialism) and the upper chakras (associated with spirituality). Anahata Chakra is the seat of balance and if unbalanced an individual may feel emotional issues like anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, moodiness, and fear. When balanced a person begins to feel more compassionate, caring, optimistic, friendly, and motivated.
· Location: On the cardiac plexus (Heart)
· Function: Love, compassion, wisdom, trust, forgiveness, generosity, openness to others
· Color: Green or pink
· Element: Air
· Age it develops: 21-28 years old
Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra)
The Vishuddha Chakra provides a voice to the Anahata chakra and maintains our ability to communicate our power. Blocking of the throat chakra is experienced as timidity, quietness, and the inability to express our thoughts. When the balance is restored in Throat Chakra, it allows us to express ourselves clearly; it enables positive self-expression, constructive communication, creativity, and a sense of satisfaction.
· Location: Base of the throat, coinciding with the thyroid gland
· Function: Communication, self-expression, and truth
· Color: Light Blue and Turquoise
· Element: Sound and Music
· Age it develops: 29-35 years old
Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)
Ajna chakra aka Third Eye Chakra, is also used as a focal point to develop more concentration and awareness during asana practice. Moving up the body, we’re moving closer to togetherness with the divine. They say meditating upon Ajna chakra destroys the past lives karmas and ushers liberation and intuitive knowledge.
Its attributes are intelligence, insight, self-knowledge, and intuition. If imbalanced, it makes you feel non-assertive and afraid of success; also, it can make you more egoistical and can cause physical problems like headaches, eye strain, seizures, and spinal dysfunctions. When Ajna chakra is balanced and active, an individual feels more confident and vibrant (spiritually and emotionally).
· Location: Between the eyebrows (third eye) in the middle of the forehead
· Function: Intuition, imagination, foresight, liberation, intellect, clairvoyance,
· Color: purple or indigo
· Element: Light
· Age it develops: 36-42 years old
Sahastrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)
The Sahastrara Chakra is the highest Chakra in the human body and it is located at the crown of the head. The seventh chakra is the center of spirituality, dynamic thought, energy, wisdom, and cosmic consciousness. One undergoes destructive feelings and experiences constant frustration and melancholy if the Sahastrara chakra gets blocked or is imbalanced.
· Location: Above the head
· Function: Spirituality, enlightenment, universal or pure awareness
· Color: Deep purple, White
· Element: Divine Consciousness
· Age it develops: 43-49 years old
To conclude, our chakras store and control our energy that includes thoughts, feelings, experiences, actions and memories. Meaning they have a direct influence on our present and future behaviour, mindset and emotions.
How we operate in life through the food we eat, the quality of our sleep and rest time, whether we undertake any physical activity, the information that we absorb, smoking, drinking alcohol, all have an effect on our energy, therefore our chakras too.
By working from the root upwards, we are able to build up, unblocking and balancing our chakras, the result a balanced life, lived to its optimum.